Children's Wish: Since 1984, The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada has worked tirelessly to grant exceptional wishes to over 16,000 children and their families. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Children’s Wish.
We understand the trauma and stress that overwhelm families when a child has a serious illness. Therefore, we do everything in our power to look after every detail in granting wishes. For example, if the child’s wish is for a trip, we arrange for flights, accommodation, passes, Blue Cross travel insurance, per diems and transportation. We enlist the help of nurses and other medical personnel when their expertise is required. We also arrange for respirators, wheelchairs and other special medical equipment when the need arises. Our staff are on call 24 hours a day should the wish family need assistance or have an emergency situation. The magic of a wish provides children and their families with an opportunity to share the joy of a special experience, and an escape from the day-to-day challenges of illness.
LPG: What makes The Children's Wish Foundation unique?
LPG: What is the number one thing that you want people to know about this charity?
Children's Wish: I think that the number one thing for Children’s Wish is that we have NEVER refused an eligible child their wish ever. Also, I think we work really hard to be the number one wish granting charity in this country. We will continue to do that. We exist because of the children. We are here, all of us, to make sure that every eligible child in Canada receives their most heart-felt wish.
LPG: What goals do you want to achieve as a charity now and in 5 years?