October 22, 2010

October Activity of the Month: Halloween Scarecrow

Why this activity? Planning for Halloween is very exciting for most children as they get to decorate their house all spooky, carve a pumpkin, wear a fun costume and go trick or treating! Involving children in Halloween activities such as, making a wooden spoon scarecrow craft to decorate the inside or outside of your house can be very entertaining. Children love to show others especially their friends the crafts they created!

Items you will need: A large wooden spoon, wooden shish-ka-bob skewers/coloured pipe cleaners, scraps of fabric (i.e. cotton, felt), construction paper, markers, yarn, 2 googly eyes, pom-poms, feathers and glue.

Where can you buy the items? Wooden spoons can be purchased at your local dollar store or can be found in your kitchen (recycle your kitchen utensils). The craft supplies can be found at Michaels, various dollar stores or any other art & craft stores.

Suitable ages: 5 1/2 years old to12 years old. This craft can be modified to make it suitable for children under 5 years old.

***Please note: Adult assistance and supervision during this craft for children ages 5 years and younger is a must! ***