Why this activity? This craft allows children to be creative and use their imagination while making any object, person or animal they want. Making a finger &/ paper bag puppet is a great way to get children to use their fine motor skills by cutting, colouring, gluing and using their hands and fingers to move their puppets!
In addition, this activity allows children to interact with others since communicating is a key component to engaging in this activity!
Items you will need: Felt, foam, paper bag(s), glue, scissor(s), paint, jewels, construction paper, stickers, glitter, googly eyes (optional), various types of material (i.e. silk, cotton, suede), tooth picks/popsicle sticks (optional) &/ clothes pins.
Where can you buy the items? Any dollar store or art store (i.e. Michaels or Deserres) and/ recycled home items.
Suitable ages: 2 ½ years old to 12 years old.
***Please note: younger children may need adult assistance with craft!***
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